Your Trusted Skin Tag Removal Clinic in Aberdeen

Skin Tag Removal Aberdeen

Deeside Skin Clinic specialises in skin tag removal in Aberdeen

Skin tags are small flaps of skin, that protrude and hang away from the flat of the skin. They are benign and are not at all dangerous. They are most likely caused by bilateral rubbing as they are usually seen in places with friction.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is skin tag removal free on NHS?

In most cases, skin tag removal is considered a cosmetic procedure and is not typically covered by the National Health Service (NHS) in the UK. This means that patients who wish to have skin tags removed for cosmetic reasons will usually have to pay for the procedure themselves through a private clinic.

However, there may be exceptions to this rule in some cases. If a skin tag is causing significant discomfort, bleeding, or other symptoms, or if there is concern that it may be cancerous or pre-cancerous, the NHS may cover the cost of removal. In these cases, patients will need to be referred to a dermatologist by their GP or other healthcare provider.

It is important to note that the specific criteria for NHS coverage of skin tag removal may vary depending on the region and individual circumstances. Patients who are unsure about whether their skin tag removal will be covered by the NHS should speak to their GP or a qualified healthcare professional for advice.

Is skin tag removal safe?

Yes, skin tag removal is generally safe when performed by a qualified healthcare professional using appropriate techniques and equipment. Skin tags are benign growths of skin that do not usually cause any harm, but they can be unsightly or cause discomfort if they rub against clothing or other parts of the body.

There are several methods for removing skin tags, including:

  1. Cutting off the skin tag with a scalpel or scissors
  2. Freezing the skin tag with liquid nitrogen (cryotherapy)
  3. Burning the skin tag with an electric current (electrocautery)
  4. Removing the skin tag with a laser

The choice of method may depend on the size, location, and number of skin tags, as well as the patient’s preferences and medical history. In most cases, local anesthesia is used to numb the area and minimize discomfort during the procedure.

Although skin tag removal is generally considered safe, there is a small risk of complications, such as bleeding, infection, or scarring. It is important to follow any post-procedure instructions provided by the healthcare professional, such as keeping the area clean and dry and avoiding certain activities or medications that may increase the risk of bleeding or infection.

Patients who experience persistent pain, redness, swelling, or other symptoms after skin tag removal should contact their healthcare provider for advice. Overall, skin tag removal is a safe and effective procedure that can help improve the appearance and comfort of the skin.

How much does it cost to remove a skin tag in the UK?

At Deeside Skin Clinic our skin tag removal starts at £30. This would be for a single, small skin tag to be removed using cryotherapy.

Generally, the larger the skin tag the greater the cost. If you have several skin tags, then this would also cost more too.

Can I have my skin tag removed for cosmetic reasons?

Yes, skin tag removal is a common cosmetic procedure that can be done for purely aesthetic reasons. Skin tags are benign growths of skin that do not usually cause any harm, but they can be unsightly or cause discomfort if they rub against clothing or other parts of the body. Many people choose to have their skin tags removed for cosmetic reasons, especially if they are in visible areas of the body.

How long does it take to heal after skin tag removal?

With cryotherapy, it can take several weeks of changes in appearance of the skin tag before it falls off, however, it will not be painful or cause any issues in the meantime.

Where on my body can I have skin tag removal treatment?

You can have a skin tag removed from anywhere on your body.

What is the best skin tag removal method?

At Deeside Skin Clinic, we offer cryotherapy skin tag removal method. This is regarded as a safe, efficient and effective non-surgical method of skin tag removal.

Is skin tag removal painful?

Freezing a skin tag with cryotherapy may cause some discomfort or pain, but it is typically mild and tolerable. The freezing agent used for cryotherapy can cause a brief stinging or burning sensation as it is applied to the skin tag, and this may be followed by a dull ache or throbbing sensation.

However, the pain associated with cryotherapy is generally brief and subsides quickly. Your healthcare professional may use a topical anesthetic or cooling spray to help numb the area and reduce any discomfort during the procedure.

After cryotherapy, it is common to experience some mild pain or discomfort at the treatment site for a short period of time. This may be managed with over-the-counter pain relief medication and by following your healthcare professional’s post-treatment care instructions.

It is important to note that everyone’s pain threshold is different, so the level of discomfort experienced during cryotherapy may vary from person to person. If you have concerns about pain or discomfort during cryotherapy, be sure to discuss these with your healthcare professional before the procedure.

Does skin tag removal leave a scar?

Cryotherapy, which involves freezing off the skin tag or other skin lesion, may leave a scar in some cases. The likelihood of scarring depends on various factors, such as the size and location of the skin tag, the depth of the freeze, and the individual’s healing process.

In most cases, small skin tags that are treated with cryotherapy heal without leaving a scar or with minimal scarring that fades over time. However, larger skin tags or those that are deeply frozen may result in a more noticeable scar.

It is important to note that scarring is a potential risk associated with any type of skin treatment, including cryotherapy. Your healthcare professional can help minimize the risk of scarring by carefully assessing the skin tag and selecting the appropriate treatment method, as well as providing post-treatment care instructions to promote proper healing.

If you have concerns about scarring after cryotherapy, be sure to discuss these with your healthcare professional before the procedure. Your healthcare professional can help you understand the potential risks and benefits of cryotherapy and recommend the most effective and appropriate treatment for your specific case.

Is cryotherapy effective for skin tags?

Cryotherapy, which involves freezing off the skin tags using liquid nitrogen or other freezing agents, is a commonly used treatment for skin tags. While cryotherapy is generally effective for removing skin tags, its success depends on various factors, such as the size, location, and type of skin tag.

In most cases, cryotherapy is considered safe and effective for the removal of skin tags. However, it is important to note that there are potential risks and side effects associated with this treatment. Some individuals may experience skin irritation, redness, or blistering following cryotherapy.

It is also worth noting that skin tags are generally harmless and can be left untreated if they are not causing any discomfort or aesthetic concerns. If you have skin tags and are considering cryotherapy, it is recommended that you consult with a qualified healthcare professional to determine the best course of treatment for your specific case.

What should I avoid after cryotherapy?


After cryotherapy, it is important to follow your healthcare professional’s post-treatment care instructions to ensure proper healing and avoid any complications. Here are some general recommendations for what to avoid after cryotherapy:

  1. Touching or picking at the treated area: It is important to avoid touching or picking at the treated area, as this can disrupt the healing process and increase the risk of infection.

  2. Applying creams or lotions to the treated area: Avoid applying any creams or lotions to the treated area, as this can interfere with the healing process.

  3. Exposing the treated area to water: Avoid exposing the treated area to water, including taking baths or swimming, for at least 24 hours after cryotherapy.

  4. Exposing the treated area to sunlight: Avoid exposing the treated area to direct sunlight or tanning beds for at least a week after cryotherapy. Use sunscreen or cover the area with clothing if you need to go out in the sun.

  5. Strenuous exercise or activity: Avoid strenuous exercise or activity that could cause sweating or friction in the treated area for a few days after cryotherapy.

  6. Using hot tubs or saunas: Avoid using hot tubs, saunas, or other sources of heat for a few days after cryotherapy.

  7. Scrubbing or rubbing the treated area: Avoid scrubbing or rubbing the treated area, as this can irritate the skin and interfere with the healing process.

By following these guidelines, you can help ensure a smooth and speedy recovery after cryotherapy. If you have any questions or concerns about post-treatment care, be sure to consult with your healthcare professional.

How long does it take for a skin tag to fall off after cryotherapy?

After cryotherapy, the skin tag will typically turn darker in color and form a scab, which will eventually fall off. The length of time it takes for the scab to fall off and the skin tag to completely heal can vary depending on the size and location of the skin tag, as well as the individual’s healing process.

In most cases, it can take anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks for the scab to fall off after cryotherapy. However, it may take up to a month or longer for the skin to completely heal, depending on the size of the skin tag and the location of the treatment site.

It is important to follow the post-treatment care instructions provided by your healthcare professional, which may include keeping the treated area clean and dry, avoiding strenuous activity or exercise for a period of time, and avoiding picking at the scab to ensure proper healing.

How many sessions of cryotherapy for skin tags?

The number of cryotherapy sessions required to remove skin tags can vary depending on various factors, such as the size and number of skin tags, their location on the body, and the individual’s response to treatment.

In most cases, a single cryotherapy session is sufficient to remove small skin tags. However, larger or multiple skin tags may require additional treatment sessions to ensure complete removal. Your healthcare professional can determine the number of sessions required based on your specific case.

It is also worth noting that cryotherapy is not always the best treatment option for all skin tags. Depending on the location and size of the skin tag, your healthcare professional may recommend other treatment options such as surgical removal or electrocautery.

It is important to consult with a qualified healthcare professional to determine the best treatment plan for your specific case of skin tags. Your healthcare professional can help you understand the pros and cons of different treatment options and recommend the most effective and appropriate treatment for you.

Do skin tags grow back?

There is a chance that skin tags may grow back after they have been removed, but the likelihood of regrowth depends on various factors such as the size, location, and method of removal.

If a skin tag is completely removed, including the root or base, it is less likely to grow back. However, if the skin tag is only partially removed or if the root or base is not fully removed, there is a higher chance that it may grow back.

Additionally, some people are more prone to developing skin tags than others. So even if a skin tag is completely removed, there may be a chance that new ones will develop in the same area or other parts of the body.

It is important to note that the regrowth of skin tags is not necessarily a cause for concern, as they are usually harmless and can be easily removed again if necessary. However, if you experience rapid or excessive growth of skin tags, or if you notice any changes in the appearance of the skin tag, it is important to consult with a qualified healthcare professional to rule out any underlying conditions or health issues.

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